Old San Diego Hotel
Old San Diego Hotel by Meema Esguerra at 500px.com
Not Enough Flowers
Not Enough Flowers by Meema Esguerra at 500px.com
[San Diego Trip] Old Town San Diego State Historic Park
Welcome to Old Town San Diego, where you can go back and in time and experience how it was hundreds of years ago.
Now if they can only use the old merchandise prices as well that would have been swell. LOL!
The historical park does not offer much but it’s a great stop for like 2 hours or so. We had time to kill…
Looking Down
Looking Down by Meema Esguerra at 500px.com
[San Diego Trip 2011] Ballooning in Perris
It sounded like Ballooning in Paris right? Well, we can all dream. But Perris or Paris, this was definitely one very picturesque adventure as you’ll probably see below. Burnt hair or not, a must try!
Leaving San Diego at 3am, we went to Perris to get a ride on a hot air balloon. Why? Coz for the …
Posted by meemax on March 21st, 2023
People probably know it. It is official I am going through a divorce. I empathize with everyone who has gone or is going through separation. It is so so emotionally draining. The number of times I just want to stop what I’m doing midstep to just break down and cry. Cry my ugliest cry. I […]
Posted by meemax on October 20th, 2021
(Written last year on Sept. 2, 2020) The topic of deservability has popped up in different ways in our conversations. So much so that it has caused me to pause and ponder and wonder how I got into this mindset. I’ve talked a big talk about deservability and how much I’ve worked on it. But… […]
Posted by meemax on September 26th, 2019
Hur hur hur. I laughed coz it’s a nerdy joke. Hope you got that one. It’s also funny that my previous post (from a year ago) mentioned something about merging my blogs into one. Coz I’m thinking of another type of merging too. Not too different. More like becoming whole. Whoa, that just went deep. […]
Posted by meemax on October 14th, 2018
The writing begins. Although, I am confused as to where I should be writing. I, officially, have 3 blog sites. One profesh (professional if you’re reading this 30 years late and this slang has died down), this one and my original one. This English site is for my friends here in the US, who honestly, […]
Posted by meemax on October 12th, 2018
Hello darkness, my old friend. Yes from the song. No, not from the movie Trolls. (Can you relate? Lol!) I am having the urge to write again. Now I’ve scratched the itch and here I am. Given that I am out of practice, the first few blogs will probably suck b*lls. But who’s reading anyway? […]
Posted by meemax on February 25th, 2018
The jeepney was crowded. People were sitting side by side very closely. The jeepney dispatcher called for 2 or 3 more passengers even though there’s only space for half a butt cheek. Some riders who were already sitting move some inches forward to let the new ones have more than half-a-butt-cheek seat. Riders sit in […]
Posted by meemax on February 6th, 2018
What budget? I’m not really the type of person who believes in budgets. Budget has a sense of scarcity attached to it which irks me a bit. I tend to focus on expansion and income as opposed to scarcity. Budgeting or allocating some money for the everyday stuff is also acceptable for me. Not budget […]
Posted by meemax on January 9th, 2017
Many things happened after the surgery. Many things… shifted. Every month after, I would look back and not recognize the person who I was a month before. This is more of a getting to know post. My introspective posts generally happens around 2am as @kilcher knows so well. Well at least, that hasn’t changed. […]
Posted by meemax on July 18th, 2016
You know that moment… When you think you have had enough. When you want to change how you feel everyday. Or when you want to change your place in the world. That moment will turn into a ride you’ll never want to get out of. For me, my journey started with my first weight loss […]
Posted by meemax on July 12th, 2016
It hurts… a little bit. When you reached out to grab a friend by their arm as you both traverse a busy lunch area. They pull their arm out of reach. You wonder what was wrong. A tinge of memory floats to the surface from the subconscious. You can’t exactly see what memory it was, […]